7 Ways to Conquer the Post Holiday Slump

It can be challenging to jump from holiday celebrations right into what everyone calls a “fresh start.” If you’re feeling the post-holiday slump (like we were) we’ve got some tips we think might help.

  1. Hit the Beach, Duh.

There’s no better way to hit the refresh button than a day or evening under a cabana, in the sand, listening to waves. It’s the perfect low-key activity to get you out of the house, but unlike a holiday party it will leave you refreshed rather than exhausted. Worried about the cooler weather? Grab a blanket and put on your comfy clothes. We promise you’ll thank us.

2. Get Enough Sleep

Proper sleep is so important! It might seem wild to commit to a solid 7-8 hours when you've got a list of resolutions as long as a CVS receipt, but it's the secret sauce to achieving your goals without turning into a zombie. For bonus tranquility, toss your phone into another room at bedtime. No late-night scrolling or morning phone-checking – it's like a vacation for your brain. And hey, invest in a good old-school alarm clock. It feels weird initially, but trust us, it's a GAME CHANGER!

3. Add What You Need

Forget the food guilt trip, it’s so last year. We heard a nutritionist say “eat what you want, add in what you need” and we couldn’t agree more.Instead of beating yourself up for that extra slice of cake, focus on tossing in some greens or chugging more H2O. Nutrients for the win, and your mental health will throw a party for your new positive mindset.

4. Take a Break From Alcohol (or cut back)

We know, we know, but dry January is the perfect cool-girl way to cut back. Worried about missing the party? Go ahead and book a boujee beach day as a treat for all your hard work. We’ll have the cabana ready for you, all you have to do is show up. All the fun, minus the hangover!

Sometimes it’s just the ritual of having something to sip on so here are some fun mocktail recipes we found online if you still want to feel included and be social but avoid hangxiety the next day!

5. Shake That Booty

Doesn’t have to be some crazy workout regimen, or a bunch of militant workouts. Just snag 20-30 minutes a day! You can do this by taking a brisk walk outside, rollerblading, or taking a bike ride. We recommend doing this at least a few times a week to get yourself into the habit of moving your body and getting those endorphins pumping again

6. Plan the Next Holiday

Plan something fun to look forward to. Big or small, it doesn’t matter - just keep the joy rolling! Sometimes a little excitement is all we’re missing and focusing on Valentine/Galentine’s Day is the perfect way to re-ignite the endorphins! We love celebrating with you, so be on the lookout for our specials dropping soon.

7. Above All, Go Easy on Yourself

Not everyone is waking up on Jan. 1 with superhero motivation. Setting goals and making new years resolutions is trendy, but it’s okay if you’re not on that bandwagon. If you’re feeling a new wave of motivation, ride it! If not, that’s cool too. Sometimes self-care means hitting the pause button. And guess what? We know just the spot for that.

…the beach 𓆉𓇼♡


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